Tag: Elisabeth Staab

Out Now: In the Arms of the Enemy

Out Now: In the Arms of the Enemy

My kids are big Monty Python fans. So as they would say, and now for something completely different. But actually not all that different. Sort of. Whatever. Let’s start over…

So I did this thing where I wrote a book like two years ago and couldn’t quite call it done. Paranormal, because that’s what I love and where I started when I first got into writing (unless you count the weird poetry I scribbled in my high school notebooks). But it was also dystopian, and had a strange relationship dynamic between the hero and heroine that I could never get quite right (she’s a prisoner and he’s her jailer, which makes for an awkward power dynamic). After a long time gathering dust on my laptop I started getting to know these characters again, and what started as a short story or maybe a novella wound up being 165 pages long. But it became a story and a world I loved, so finally here it is. In the Arms of the Enemy. I hope you enjoy:

About in the Arms of the Enemy:

Journal entry: 10.18.2668
I’m supposed to be leaving on the midnight transport. By the time it comes and they realize what I’ve done, God willing, I’ll be gone. I keep asking myself why I’m doing this, but deep down I know… I know I’m doing it for her.
It’s wrong to want a creature like Tatima, especially one under my guard. I can’t stop seeing her dark blue eyes or feeling the softness of her skin against mine. The moisture of her lips and tongue when I assuaged her hunger.
I’m a man. I’m human. This outpost is lonely. She’s as beautiful to me as she is frightening.
We trusted each other once. Maybe we could again.
Wanting her could mean so much disaster, but I can’t stop.

The United States has split. Supernatural creatures—lab experiments gone wrong—are being rounded up so their existence can be contained. One young man, bent on revenge, takes a job as a prison guard in order to kill the blood-sucker who murdered his father. A creature who used to be human. Someone he once thought he loved.
When Ronan gets close, he discovers the feelings he had for Tatima aren’t as dead as he’d believed. A web of lies surrounding his father’s death and the outpost where he works gets stickier the more he investigates.
The further Ronan goes, the less anything makes sense. Except the woman who can still bring him to life with a single touch. The one who makes him question everything.
The woman who’s supposed to be his enemy.

Get it here:  [button type=”tiny” url=”http://tiny.cc/AOTEa” target=”_blank”] Amazon Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”http://tiny.cc/AOTEi” target=”_blank”] iBooks Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”http://tiny.cc/AOTEk” target=”_blank”] Kobo Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”http://tiny.cc/AOTEb” target=”_blank”] B&N Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-inthearmsoftheenemy-2048838-143.html” target=”_blank”] ARe [/button][button type=”tiny” url=”https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Elisabeth_Staab_In_the_Arms_of_the_Enemy?id=6x1FDAAAQBAJ” target=”_blank”] Google Play[/button]

Get Your Shifter On!


I’m so excited to announce a new paranormal trilogy! For the were / shifter lover, I’ve just wrapped up these three sexy, fast-paced novellas that are a little suspenseful, a little humorous, and a whole lot of fun. And like any good pimp, I’m giving the first one away for FREE!

Set on the Mexico border in and around Nogales, AZ, the Lone Wolf series is in a fictional world where the werewolves live out in the open, the authorities operate in the gray areas (and sometimes they’re not the good guys), and local packs rule with an iron claw. Ash, a Lone Wolf who left his outlaw pack to try and be a respectable citizen, meets Sherri, a disillusioned FBI agent, and the two hook up for a wild that turns into something much more complicated (and dangerous). Much like my Chronicles of Yavn series I couldn’t be content to tell only Sherri and Ash’s story, though – there’s a whole cast of characters including a Jaguar shifter, a human sniper who works for Ash’s old pack, and an FBI agent who’s… well, we’re really not sure what he is. They each have their own little part in these novellas:

About Wild Nights with a Lone Wolf:Wild_Nights_with_a_Lone_Wolf_Staab_hires

Agent Sherri Walker needs a change of scenery. Her former lover nearly tanked her career, forcing her to take a leave of absence. A few drinks and a one-night stand with a sinfully hot stranger look like a great way to take her mind off her troubles, until that stranger’s past lands her in a new world of danger.

Asher Hughes left his outlaw pack but couldn’t ditch the bad blood. A lone wolf who’s always refused to bond, Ash is left wanting more after one night with a beautiful, spirited human. Worse, it puts Sherri in the crosshairs of an old pack enemy, and the only way to save her is to claim her as his own.

Get it: AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Goodreads

About Wicked Days with a Lone Wolf:WD_LW_promo3

Sherri Walker quit her job and changed her zip code for a man who is often known to howl at the moon. When she trips over a dead body and her criminal ex pops up, she’s forced to confront her past and take a detour from her spontaneous future. Suddenly nothing is clear and Sherri questions an already unlikely relationship. Is Ash her future, or is the danger of loving a werewolf too much to handle?

Even though he’s left his pack, Asher Hughes still values family. His sister-in-law needs protection, but the new love in his life may be in danger as well. Sherri’s ex is whispering poison in her ear, and Ash is feeling pulled between old loyalties, and the chance at a new beginning with the human he wants. It’s enough to make anyone, man or beast, go crazy.

Get it: AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Goodreads

About Blood Moon Over a Lone Wolf (coming 4/7!):

Humans vs. shifters. Good vs. evil.
In the third book in the Lone Wolf series, lines blur and loyalties are put to the test:Will Ash put blood before his human’s love? Will Kyle shun Jett’s newly found affection and return to the pack that nearly destroyed them both? Protecting Zoe could cost Lane everything, but he may be the only person who has the power to keep her safe.

Meanwhile, the blood moon looms over them all, transforming lovers into strangers and weakening those who gain their power when the moon is bright.


I had SO much fun writing these novellas, folks! I hope to write more, if the interest is there. So let me know, either by email or leaving a review for the book at your favorite vendor. It was an idea that popped into my head one afternoon, and I couldn’t let it go. I’ve fallen so in love with these characters. I hope you do too!
Happy reading!!


Free Stuff Roundup!

HBN_buff_FB3bIt’s been a kick-ass release month for Hunter by Night! I’m grateful to everyone who has checked out the book, and especially to those of you who took the time to leave a review.
Still looking for a free book to read? The following blog stops have you covered:

Win a paperback copy of Prince of Power from my author buddy Aria Kane! (ends 6/19)

Win a copy of Hunter by Night from Manga Maniac Cafe! There’s also a fun interview with Lee. (ends 6/25)

Win a copy of Hunter by Night at Fresh Fiction, where I’m talking about alpha males and angst

 Impatient? Find it at: AppleAmazon | B&N | KoboPowell’s | BooktopiaBaM| Indieboound|  Goodreads


Other fun stops on the tour:


Party Time!!

Affair Sale

Tomorrow, Thursday, at 7 pm eastern standard time I will be at Elise Sax’s Facebook page to celebrate the .99 cent sale for her novel, An Affair to Dismember, and doing a fun chat with some giveaway prizes! Please do stop by and join us, otherwise it’ll just be Elise and I talking about porn or whatever, and then I’ll send her a signed copy of Prince of Power and a Starbucks card. Which would be totally cool too, because who doesn’t love coffee and a book to read? And porn? 😉 *shouts and tosses confetti*