Tag: Elisabeth Staab

Holiday Giveaway Goodness!

Happy holidays to all of you, and a joyous coming new year! I hope you’re all prepared with boozy hot chocolate to drink and good books to snuggle up with. To help that along, I am here to tell you that there are some awesome, awesome end of the year book giveaways afoot:

New Cover Art for Prince of Power!

New Prince of Power cover

So Prince of Power is ready to go off to the printer soon, and I’ve been sent some gorgeous new

Original Prince of Power cover

artwork! I’m super excited about this story between Tyra, the vampire king’s half-blood sister, and Anton, a wizard and former vampire enemy. Anton is sexy, brooding, and tortured just the way I like my heroes, and this new cover brings him out beautifully.

It’s amazing what a book goes through start to finish. From the original draft to the final, the plot and characters can grow and change so much. And I think I remember hearing that Sourcebooks makes up to 40 versions of a book cover before the final one? So here’s the cool thing: dark, sexy, brooding Anton seen here on the original cover art that was displayed on Amazon, B&N, etc until recently, and the new cover art with depth of color, updated tagline, and also the very nice 4 1/2 star rating that King of Darkness received from RT mag.

The Christian Hurt Charity Auction and Sale is Open!

Just a quick note to let you know the Christian Hurt Charity auction and book sale are going on now, you can find the deets here: http://www.memyshelfandi.com/p/faq_06.html

What do I have in the auction? For the writers, I am offering up a full MS crtitique for auction as part of a cool writer’s pack that also includes a partial crit, web site design, and much more. You can bid on that, here:


For you the readers, there are two book packs containing SINGED King of Darkness books and T-shirts, you can find them here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/132RMW72KU4s_vdSZVFI3XKMq-I5cZD9SDOVfx5vzAcI/edit

and here


PLUS, two random book packs from t he sale will contain a free Nook or Kindle fire, so you might get a super awesome bonus for your $25 donation!

Chat Wrapup and Free Stuff

If you missed yesterday’s chat at Discover a New Love, you can go read what you missed, here! We had a fun discussion, Barbara Vey was awesome, and the hour flew by! Thanks so much to all of you who stopped joined in. 🙂

And, The Darkness tour is still going on! Tes Hilaire and I are having a great time on our summer Darkness tour, and we have a few dates of giveaways left!

June 22 – I Smell Sheep

 June 23 – Book Monster and Literal Addiction – LIVE CHAT FROM 2-3pm EST
June 28 – Darhk Portal


The Darkness Tour: Win Free Stuff!

My debut buddy, Tes Hilaire, and I are kicking off a summer reading adventure to give you a chance to learn more about us and our books, and to win some cool swag and prizes. Hop along with us on the Darkness tour and find out more about us, our books, and our characters (and win some cool prizes!).

The Schedule:

June 5 – Books n Kisses
June 7 – Grave Tells
June 11 – The Qwillery
June 13 – Pimpin Reads
June 22 – I Smell Sheep
June 23 – Book Monster and Literal Addiction – LIVE CHAT FROM 2-3pm EST
June 28 – Darhk Portal