AAAAND today I’m hosting Day 5 of our Vampire Author blog hop!! One lucky commenter anywhere in the world will receive their choice of eBook or signed paperback copy of King of Darkness. And be sure to visit all the other blogs on the hop this week to check out the fun answers and to enter for more chances to win the grand prize of an Amazon gift card, also! Now…

Why do YOU love vampire romance?
They drink blood. They walk the night. They live forever. Their fangs sink into your flesh… But which of these is the reason you most love vampire romance? Six vampire romance authors tell you exactly about vampires what makes their blood run hot and why they think vampires are here to stay…
Caridad Piñeiro: I love the fact that vampires, whether male or female, are dark, powerful, sexy and tortured. I especially love the tortured part. I really enjoy getting into their heads to find out what they like and don’t like about being vampires. I also love finding out how they became “undead” and how that has affected their vision of both themselves and humanity. Finally, it’s always fun to explore what they do with the powers they have as vampires. Will they use them for good or evil? Find happiness somehow or continue with living a lonely existence? Anything is possible with vampires and that’s what makes them so interesting.
Elisabeth Staab: As long as I can recall I’ve had a thing for the tortured bad boy. Vampires
carry a forbidden element and a mystique that helps enhance their sexiness. They’re dangerous, but what if they show us so much more? The idea that there is one true love in the world for you, and that your bond with them can go beyond the emotional to something physical and primal…even mystical, is intensely romantic. In a nutshell this is how Thad in King of Darkness, and the prophecy that lead him to his queen came to be. The growling, the fierce emotions, the enhanced physical capabilities and the fangs…the list goes on. For those of us who really love them, it can be like an addiction.
Joyee Flynn: For me it’s partly the tall, dark, and handsome as a single woman… Ever since I picked up my first vampire book The Vampire Diaries in grammar school. The other part is that they own who they are and make no apologies for it. I’m a big fan of honesty and like Eric in True Blood and the Sookie Stackhouse books, I’m drawn the confidence he exudes. Sure, he can be a little egotistical, but with all the power he has, centuries of experience… How could he not? But he is who he is while having the mystery of vampires that we’re all drawn to. Vampires aren’t going out of style because it gives us hope that maybe there’s more out there than we know. And I find that people are inquisitive and want to know more. We live for the answers to: What don’t we know? What hides from us in the dark?
Laura Kaye: Since my teenage reading of Anne Rice’s vampire books,
I’ve been hooked on vampires! They’re my first love as a reader and a writer. And what do I most love about them? I love their power, which truly makes them the ultimate sexy bad ass. I love their animalistic natures, that they can’t help but want and need to wrap themselves around you, sink their fangs into your skin, and take you. I also love the idea of the loneliness of immortality, and how that makes them tortured and sympathetic, despite their darkness. And if these are the things you love about vampires too, check on my June 1 release, Seduced by the Vampire King, book 2 in my Vampire Warrior Kings series. Woot!
Lisa Kessler: When I wrote Night Walker, I loved imagining that this powerful being who could have anyone, chose my heroine. And instead of killing her, he loves and protects her. I also think as a reader, there is something innately sexy about about the blood drinking. A need and yearning for someone so deep and powerful that their life becomes yours. Usually sex is the closest you can get to another person physically, but vampires can take that one step further with a blood exchange. As long as readers thirst for vampires, I think authors will keep coming up with new twists to bring everyone back for more… 🙂
Laurie London: What I love about the vampire mythos is that
they’re dark, mysterious, seductive, dangerous and powerful. When a vampire falls in love with you, it borders on obsession. It’s the fantasy that someone loves you so much that they will do anything to have you. They go against all their laws, all their sensibilities, even what their head is telling them, because they love you so desperately, but if they’re not careful, they could kill you. They not only need your blood to survive but they need your love to really live. This is what happens in Tempted By Blood, the third book in the Sweetblood series. When Jackson meets Arianna, she fills a deep void in his tortured life. She’s the one woman who understands him, who makes him feel as if he’s worthy and capable of great things, and that’s what he’s craved forever.
About the Authors
Joyee Flynn dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. She loves to get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or mystical.
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Laura Kaye is the bestselling and award-winning author of over a half-dozen books in paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance. Her debut novel Forever Freed is a 2012 Booksellers’ Best Double Finalist for Best Paranormal and Best First Novel, and won the NJRW Golden Leaf Award for Best Paranormal of 2011.
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Lisa Kessler loves to make up stories. Her work has been featured in print anthologies, and her vampire story “Immortal Beloved” was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award. She was also a finalist in RT Book Review magazine’s “Writing with the Stars” contest. Her debut novel, Night Walker is a Bookseller’s Best Double Finalist for Best Paranormal and Best First Novel.
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Laurie London is the award-winning author of the Sweetblood series. The hotly-anticipated third book, TEMPTED BY BLOOD, is available now, and the fourth book, SEDUCED BY BLOOD, comes out in late July.
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Caridad Pineiro is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and RITA® Finalist. Caridad is the author of over thirty published novels and novellas. Caridad’s latest paranormal romance release is THE CLAIMED, the second book in the Sin Hunter series. For more information, please visit
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Elisabeth Staab still lives with her nose in a book and at least one foot in a fantasy world. Her bestselling paranormal romance novel, King of Darkness, is available now. Her second book, Prince of Power, releases in January.
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Wanna talk vampires? Wanna win vampires?? Follow along the Vampire Romance To Die For Tour all week for both!
Here’s the schedule:
5/14 Caridad Pineiro
5/15 Lisa Kessler
5/16 Joyee Flynn
5/17 Laura Kaye
5/18 Elisabeth Staab
5/19 Laurie London
Here’s what you can win:
1) A grand tour-wide prize of a $60 amazon or B&N gift card!
2) Each day’s blog hostess will give away one book of a vampire romance to a commenter at their blog
What are the rules?:
1) You must comment to enter to win with your email address. Blog follows are appreciated but not required
2) Contest is open until midnight EST Monday, May 21
3) Winners will be announced on May 22
4) Open to international
5) Winners to be picked using
6) Participating authors not responsible for biting, blood loss, or swooning-related accidents