Tag: vampires

From Tyra to Anton with Love


In celebration of Valentine’s Day I’m at Reading Between the Wines this week sharing a special love letter from Tyra to Anton. If you’ve read Prince of Power then you might be expecting Anton to be the one to write the love letter. I was pleasantly surprised to find this letter from Tyra. I think you’ll enjoy. Also, stop by between now and Monday, Feb 18, for a chance to win a copy of King of Darkness OR Prince of Power!

Boy Sure Does Get Around, Huh?

princeofpower-1000I love, love, LOVE my cover for Prince of Power. I think the image of this smoldering shirtless hunk staring over his shoulder with the still-oozing bite of his vampire lover captures Anton perfectly. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for the cover artist whose job it is to take the concepts of my books and so many others great stories and interpret that concept visually. So I want to be clear that this blog post is very tongue in cheek. It’s just the amusing reality of stock photography. You find a gorgeous man that would look exceptionally sexy on a book cover? Chances are, some other folks have too.

And “my Anton,” he’s a hot, hot, sexy hero. Many Coroprate Takeover - Victoria Bricecover artists have agreed. MANY. You can find him out there in everything from surf shorts to his tighty-whities, to threesomes (I think somewhere I even saw him in a fivesome? The mind boggles.) and everything in-between. Or…nothing at all.

double shot - christine daboChris, at a blog site called Stumbling Over Chaos has an entire series of posts devoted to Anton, or as she calls him, “Starey Glarey Guy.” I prefer “Smoldering Hotness,” but whatev. It makes for a good chuckle, and I have to say some of the covers were intriguing enough that now I kinda wanna check the books out.

Happy reading, everyone. I’ve got a deadline looming so everyone may be hearing from me less. Just remember, it’s all for a good cause:

Lee Goram, the King's human-hating first in command

Lee Goram, the King’s human-hating first in command

More, more, more!

I believe that it was Mae West who said “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” Today ALONE you can enter to win a copy of Prince of Power at the following happening places:

  • Check out my interview at The Qwillery for another chance to win a copy of Prince of Power! (US/Can)
  • Another interview and giveaway at Romancing the Book!
  • Still one week left to enter for a free copy of King of Darkness OR Prince of Power at Reading Between the Wines! And check out Siddoh’s recipe for baked brie!

Want more chances to win? I’ve got the whole upcoming blog tour schedule on my Blogapalooza post, here.

Also, are you subscribed to my newsletter? Have you “liked” my fan page on facebook? I do extra giveaways a couple of times a year in both places.

And don’t forget! King of Darkness, is still on sale in ebook at B&NAmazon, Kobo Books, and iTunes for only $1.99! And if you’re a member of the Discover a New Love digital book club you can grab King of Darkness right now for only $1.49!

I’ve got a couple of great surprise announcements coming up, so stay tuned!