Coming Soon: One Week


Awesome news – Since the delay of Hunter by Night I’ve gotten a lot of questions about when I would be able to release something new, and with family obligations and whatnot I’ve been hesitant to commit to an answer. BUT I finally feel good about announcing that I will have a new contemporary romance coming out in mid-January. It’ll be a short, category length novel, an office romance, old lovers reuniting, and I’m very, very excited about this one. It’s different than anything I’ve written before, but very much me all the same.

About One Week:


Michael Hale’s company is in jeopardy. In the wake of his father’s death and his transition to CEO, projects are circling the drain and that could cost him everything. Come to find out, the consultant hired to fix things is the “one who got away” many years ago. This time he’s playing for keeps, and he intends to win.


Elise Jackson swore she wouldn’t come near Michael Hale again. He sucker punched her professionally, and he broke her heart. Still, a job’s a job, and they can both be adults. But high emotion and late nights working lead to passion neither of them can deny.

They have one week. Can the two of them pull Michael’s company out of the fire and heal their old wounds?

Please do check out the blurb below, and if you’re so inclined, add it to your Goodreads To-read shelf! Also, I’m gonna be doing a big cover reveal on January second, and if you’ve got blog space on which you’re willing to share the cover, I’d be honored.  Viviana, blog tour mistress extraordinaire, has a groovy signup sheet right here.

Would you like a digital ARC to review One Week when they are available, please sign up here! All I ask is that you review thoughtfully. Honesty is appreciated, but snarky reviews kill kittens, yanno? I offer you big squishy virtual hugs in advance for taking the time to check out One Week. <3

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