Category: General


Life gets so busy. I’m always finding something to be stressed about. It’s easy to get bogged down. To feel mired by the stress of all the day to day drudgery stuff–deadlines, kids, bills, messes, too-much-to-do-not-enough-time-bullshit– everything… Especially when we have “one of those days,” right? I had one of those days, just recently…

What should have been an easy hour-ish long Metro ride into Bethesda wound up taking around six hours round-trip thanks to track maintenance. I couldn’t find the building I was going to once I got there. On the way home, it started pouring rain while I was in line for a transfer shuttle in DuPont Circle. And then, the Metro shuttle dropped us all off in front of a closed station and nobody knew where to go next. We all poured off the bus and scattered in the rain like soggy cockroaches, ducking from awning to awning.

I did get lucky: a lovely young woman who knew her way around DC offered to help me out. She left me standing under an overhang while she tried to find the nearest open station. I waited there with my hair plastered to my face, looking like I needed to be twisted and wrung out. A homeless man who’d made a sort-of bed for himself under the overhang started to call for my attention. I thought maybe he wanted cash, and I dug in my bag to see if I had any. Hell, in that weather? I felt for him, having to sleep outside (turned out, I couldn’t find any). But no, he was pulling an umbrella out of the bag he used for a pillow, and offering it to me.

I swear, I almost cried. I don’t think I have ever been more humbled in my life. I may have been soaked and exhausted, but some way, somehow, I was eventually going to make it home. I was going to have dinner with my husband and my kid and get a shower and crawl into a bed. A dry one. With pillows. The umbrella I’d forgotten to bring with me that day would be sitting by the door to use later. And this man was offering me his umbrella, which he needed far more than I did. I declined, and thanked him about a billion times because I didn’t have anything else to give him and the woman whose directions I needed was shouting for me to hurry and cross the street.

But God, what a reminder to be grateful for the things we have, and that we can all afford to be more generous. For me, that moment made the entire day worthwhile.


Olde City, New Blood

Five months to go until the Olde City, New Blood con. Are you registered? This is gonna be cool. Not a ginormous conference like Romantic Times (which I LOVE, I decided after the last one that I intend to go every year), but a small, intimate affair where you get to hang out near the beach with your favorite paranormal authors, do ghost tours, and watch bad movies.

And we will be in the company of some awesome authors. Tess Hilaire, Laura Kaye, Laurie London, Damon Suede, Amy Lane Poppy Dennison, Alyssa Day, and many more! You can check out the full author list, here. Not to mention there will be a great charity book signing, some awesome vendors, artists, bloggers, and other amazing industry professionals. Only five months away! For those of us in the chilly part of the country it will be a great escape.

Ohyeah, and it’s the weekend of my birthday! I can’t effin’ wait.

Bring on the ghost tour.


Meet Lee and Alexia


Lee Goram, the king's human-hating first in command

Lee, the vampire king's human-hating first in command

So Anton and Tyra’s book, Prince of Power, is almost finished.  It’s available for pre-order already and Amazon, B&N, and BaM, and the ARC is already up on Netgalley, I think. (correction: some of my street team members said they checked and no, it’s not on Netgalley yet, I was mistaken about that one. Sorry, folks. I’m sure it’ll be up in the next couple of months, I recall about a 3-4 month lead time on King of Darkness)

The last round of edits were longer and harder than I expected. In fact, I confess this whole book has kind of been a struggle for me. I think that’s natural. King of Darkness was not my first piece of fiction, but it was my first book. My first balls-out, full-length, multiple story arc, multiple POV full-length novel. I love that story, always will, and for my first effort I’m quite proud of it even though looking back I see a thing or two I wish I’d done differently. Prince of Power, was my first sequel. Turns out sequels are hard. You’re no longer writing a book in a bubble, there’s a waterfall


Alexia, the queen's human best friend

effect. You have to write the book so that it will make sense to anyone coming into the series late, but also so that anybody who read the previous story will feel that you did justice to the continuing story line. Tricky. I love Tyra and Anton’s characters and I pray I did it well. I certainly tried my bestest, and I hope you love them as much as I do.

And now, on to Lee and Alexia. I’ve been doing a lot of research for this one, which means more upfront legwork, the writing itself has been slow going. Lee’s character has been a little nebulous up until now, and I finally get to crack him open and see what makes him tick.  I’m really excited about that. There are a lot of details yet to be finalized, but in the meantime I thought I’d share the inspirational photos I’ve been using for Lee and Alexia’s characters.  Enjoy!

The Christian Hurt Charity Auction and Sale is Open!

Just a quick note to let you know the Christian Hurt Charity auction and book sale are going on now, you can find the deets here:

What do I have in the auction? For the writers, I am offering up a full MS crtitique for auction as part of a cool writer’s pack that also includes a partial crit, web site design, and much more. You can bid on that, here:

For you the readers, there are two book packs containing SINGED King of Darkness books and T-shirts, you can find them here:

and here

PLUS, two random book packs from t he sale will contain a free Nook or Kindle fire, so you might get a super awesome bonus for your $25 donation!

Discover a New Love! Live #Chat and Awesome #Giveaway!

Hey guys! Sourcebooks has launched a really groovy new digital book club called Discover a New Love, and King of Darkness is one of the featured books for June! To celebrate I will be hosting a chat at 7pm central (I think that’s 8pm EST, yes?) on Thursday June 14th. Stop by and pow-w0w for a chance to win a free 6 month membership to this awesome new digital book club (you get one free book a month for the 6 months with that, folks!), one of two free copies of King of Darkness, or a signed King of Darkness tote bag filled with a Prince of Prince T-shirt and other cool prizes! Find out more and check out previous author chats at