Category: General

Boy Sure Does Get Around, Huh?

princeofpower-1000I love, love, LOVE my cover for Prince of Power. I think the image of this smoldering shirtless hunk staring over his shoulder with the still-oozing bite of his vampire lover captures Anton perfectly. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for the cover artist whose job it is to take the concepts of my books and so many others great stories and interpret that concept visually. So I want to be clear that this blog post is very tongue in cheek. It’s just the amusing reality of stock photography. You find a gorgeous man that would look exceptionally sexy on a book cover? Chances are, some other folks have too.

And “my Anton,” he’s a hot, hot, sexy hero. Many Coroprate Takeover - Victoria Bricecover artists have agreed. MANY. You can find him out there in everything from surf shorts to his tighty-whities, to threesomes (I think somewhere I even saw him in a fivesome? The mind boggles.) and everything in-between. Or…nothing at all.

double shot - christine daboChris, at a blog site called Stumbling Over Chaos has an entire series of posts devoted to Anton, or as she calls him, “Starey Glarey Guy.” I prefer “Smoldering Hotness,” but whatev. It makes for a good chuckle, and I have to say some of the covers were intriguing enough that now I kinda wanna check the books out.

Happy reading, everyone. I’ve got a deadline looming so everyone may be hearing from me less. Just remember, it’s all for a good cause:

Lee Goram, the King's human-hating first in command

Lee Goram, the King’s human-hating first in command

Washington Loves Romance Get-Together. Have Fun, Fight Literacy, and Meet Some Amazing Authors!

Note: Sadly I will be unable to attend this event as it is dangerously close to my deadline for Hunter by Night. Still, there are many amazing authors attending and the proceeds benefit a good cause. Please check it out! 


What: Romance Lovers Get Together
When: February 17, 2013
Where: Arlington Rooftop Bar and Grill
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Who: Join Washington Loves Romance at
Questions: Contact Avery Flynn at

Romance Lovers Get Together

Have Fun, Fight Illiteracy
Join Washington Loves Romance’s featured authors from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Arlington Rooftop Bar and Grill for its first Romance Lovers Get Together. All profits generated during the event will go to the Washington Literacy Center.
You’ll enjoy complimentary drinks and appetizers – including a specialty cocktail named by Washington Loves Romance readers – in a fun, casual
atmosphere. Prizes, including a huge gift basket stuffed with all kinds of book goodies and a $50 Amazon gift card, will be given away.
Many of Washington Loves Romance’s featured authors are expected to attend the Romance Lovers Get Together. Those featured authors include: Rebecca York, Amanda Brice, Hope Tarr, Meredith Bond, Pamela Palmer, Alexa Egan, Sally MacKenzie, Avery Flynn, Michelle Willingham, Anne Barton, Grace Burrowes, Nicky Penttila, Darlene Gardner, Nancy Naigle, Candice Poarch and Diana Cosby.
Buy your tickets in advance and save $5 per person. Advance tickets cost $15 and are on sale now. Tickets at the door will be $20.
Washington Loves Romance is an online book club for the many readers of romance fiction in all its forms with a special focus on the romance authors and
readers in the metro Washington, D.C. area.


I’ve got something in my eye, I swear.


My baby is growing up!

A thousand thank-yous to everyone who came to the Discover a New Love paranormal party! What a blast. We talked rock stars, shifters, goblins, vampires… You name it. The randomly selected prize winners have been posted, you can find  a list, here. I believe next month will be a historical chat, for those of you who enjoy the genre. Keep an eye out here, to find out more.

As I approach my deadline for Hunter by Night I’m feeling a wee bit of stress. One of the places I go when I need a good laugh is The Bloggess. I love this woman. She called me talented, which is the coolest thing ever even though I kinda paid her for it (I paid her to advertise on her blog. I did not, actually technically, pay her to call me talented. I’m ALL warm and fuzzy over this.). Anyway, her book is hilarious, and so is her blog, but after stumbling across this she is officially my new hero.

I just registered my 5 year old for Kindergarten.Seems like “only yesterday” he fit in the crook of my arm and now he’s (this very moment) racing through my kitchen belting out “Gangnam Style.” (And when I find the person responsible for teaching him that song, I will end them.) But anyway… I’m super psyched to have the kid going to school next year. It’ll mean a little more peace and quiet for me, maybe, with only one kid at home during the day. More importantly, I know HE is excited about going to a “big kid” school. But I must have something in my eye because they’re all leaky. My baby is getting to be a big kid. Time flies, huh?

Ahem! So let’s check out this week’s giveaways:

My Facebook page is at 488 follows! When I hit 500 I’ll be doing a giveaway. One randomly chosen “liker” of my page will get their choice of a copy of King of Darkness, Prince of Power, or a T-shirt and some swag if you’ve already read both books (and my undying gratitude). Go like my Facebook page to get in on the action. 

Interview and giveaway at Under the Covers book blog! Go here to find out who my favorite authors are, why I like vampires, and enter to win a copy of Prince of Power. Oh, and there’s a steamy teaser excerpt, too. Giveaway ends 1/29.

Cocktails button by ParajunkeeCocktails and books has me sharing my favorite scenes from Prince of Power, stuff I like to collect, my favorite types of movies, and another chance to win Prince of Power! Giveaway ends 1/26.

Stop by Manga Maniac cafe for another interview and another chance to win a copy of Prince of Power! Find out Anton and Tyra’s special song and the last book I read that knocked my socks off.

Happy rest of the week! It’s fricking freezing in the DC area this week. In fact, my stepson just shouted exultantly because he thinks he has no school today. It snowed, but not THAT much. Poor kid. I hope it is warmer where the rest of you are. 🙂

Why you should read erotic romance in 2013

Today’s guest post is brought to you by the fine folks at Adam and Eve.

Reading has a great way of shaping the way we see ourselves, of educating us and letting us explore beyond our four walls, but can reading fiction, specifically erotic romance fiction, help us in our relationships? We think so.

While erotic romance scored major points this past year with the UK’s official Book of the Year, Fifty Shades of Grey, it’s actually been around for a long time and will undoubtedly outlast the Grey phase. With that said, why should it and why should you be reading it? Good and simple: it can improve your sex life. Here’s why.

Reading erotic romance can help reinstate your libido. Maybe it’s been dragging recently, maybe you’ve been overwhelmingly busy and sex is the last thing you’re thinking about? Whatever it is, it’s time to bring it back, but it’s not as easy as clicking your heels and hoping for it’s valiant return. Reading erotica can help you relax (and de-stress) while simultaneously getting in the mood. Pick up a book during breaks at work for an added jolt of energy or at home to get the fire burning. This works because women are typically turned on mentally, whereas men are typically turned on visually. So simply indulge in the mental stimulation of a book. Your partner will thank you.

Reading erotic romance allows you to take ownership of your own sexuality. It forces you to learn new positions and role playing themes, as well as analyze the way you think about sex. Erotica typically paints sex in a positive and healthy light. Reading it can help you identity any underlying issues you may have or change your mind on a few topics. It also allows you to literally take ownership of your sexuality, by taking it into your own hands. Why wait for your partner to come home or for one to come along (if you’re single)? Just get some help from Adam and Eve and you’re in business.

Reading erotic romance can also help you try new things in the bedroom and introduce dirty talk. You could use the stories as fodder for scenes you and your partner can act out or as an introductory course to something you may have previously known little about, like BDSM. If you’re interested in incorporating some dirty talk, but don’t know how, simply open a book and begin reading it to your partner. This will help you adjust to saying these kind of things out loud and before you know it, you’ll be saying them on your own.

Reading erotic romance novels can also put you in touch with your romantic side. Romance always sizzles after awhile. Allow these books to remind you just how wonderful it is and act on it. Romance can be contagious and once your partner sees you behaving this way, they just might join you.

Finally, erotica can actually make you happier. One, because you’ll probably be having a lot more sex, but two, because these kind of stories usually have happy endings. Hence reading erotic romance novels can give you a more positive outlook on life.

So switch out one of the books you’re reading right now with an erotic romance and see how it changes your life. Happy reading!

More, more, more!

I believe that it was Mae West who said “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” Today ALONE you can enter to win a copy of Prince of Power at the following happening places:

  • Check out my interview at The Qwillery for another chance to win a copy of Prince of Power! (US/Can)
  • Another interview and giveaway at Romancing the Book!
  • Still one week left to enter for a free copy of King of Darkness OR Prince of Power at Reading Between the Wines! And check out Siddoh’s recipe for baked brie!

Want more chances to win? I’ve got the whole upcoming blog tour schedule on my Blogapalooza post, here.

Also, are you subscribed to my newsletter? Have you “liked” my fan page on facebook? I do extra giveaways a couple of times a year in both places.

And don’t forget! King of Darkness, is still on sale in ebook at B&NAmazon, Kobo Books, and iTunes for only $1.99! And if you’re a member of the Discover a New Love digital book club you can grab King of Darkness right now for only $1.49!

I’ve got a couple of great surprise announcements coming up, so stay tuned!