Author: Elisabeth

Party Time!!

Affair Sale

Tomorrow, Thursday, at 7 pm eastern standard time I will be at Elise Sax’s Facebook page to celebrate the .99 cent sale for her novel, An Affair to Dismember, and doing a fun chat with some giveaway prizes! Please do stop by and join us, otherwise it’ll just be Elise and I talking about porn or whatever, and then I’ll send her a signed copy of Prince of Power and a Starbucks card. Which would be totally cool too, because who doesn’t love coffee and a book to read? And porn? 😉 *shouts and tosses confetti*

Interview with a (Cranky) Vampire

I’m so, so sorry I’ve been MIA lately you guys. Things have been so nuts, and the government shutdown (my hubs is a gov’t contractor so it made for a lot of stress around here), and edits, and kids getting sick, and *sucks in a deep breath* but I’m finishing up edits on Hunter by Night, and the NEW release date is June of 2014!

THANK YOU to everyone who has waited patiently and supported, and I will do my best to have some teasers or extras or something to keep you entertained as soon as I can.

In the meantime, I interviewed Lee over at Paranormal Unbound today. I have to get back to edits for a little bit longer, but I got a few interesting tidbits out of him. I hope you enjoy. 🙂


Join Me at the Baltimore Book Festival!

2013 BBFfinalArtI’m very psyched to have been invited to join the Maryland Romance Writers at next weekend’s Baltimore Book Festival! Come join me and check out all the awesomeness. We’ve got some AMAZING authors and fun panels, signings, and giveaways going on at the Maryland Romance Writers Stage! Come join in the fun and say hello! I’ll be milling around from Friday evening to Sunday morning ish and participating in some great panels – The full MRW schedule is below, with panels in which I’ll be participating in bold. Can’t wait to see you there!


Friday, September 27

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Cover Reveal Blitz: Bad Idea by Damon Suede

I’m super psyched to be sharing this upcoming release from my friend and critique buddy Damon Suede. Do be sure to put it on your TBR.


Bad Idea 
Damon Suede
Some mistakes are worth making. 
Reclusive comic book artist Trip Spector spends his life doodling super-square, straitlaced superheroes, hiding from his fans, and crushing on his unattainable boss until he meets the dork of his dreams. Silas Goolsby is a rowdy FX makeup creator with a loveless love life and a secret streak of geek who yearns for unlikely rescues and a truly creative partnership.

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Billionaire Heroes

Maya Rodale is doing a reader survey about billionaire heroes and why we dig them for an upcoming issue of RT Magazine. What is it about these guys that makes their fictional mates (and those of us who read about them) get all gooey? Is it the mystique? The private jet? The fact that they look SO damn hot both in and out of a suit?

Take the survey. We’re all dying to know.