I’m super psyched to bring you guys the brand new shiny cover for Lee’s book! Book three of the Chronicles of Yavn, Hunter by Night, is due to hit shelves in early 2014! We’ve seen the push-pull stormy attraction between everyone’s favorite badass, centuries old, human-hating vampire and the vampire queen’s human best friend throughout King of Darkness and Prince of Power, and I am truly beyond psyched to finally be telling their story. And just look at those eyes you guys!!
About Hunter by Night:
A supernatural war is about to ignite a scorching hot romance
Lee protects his vampire race, and hates humans as much as the wizard enemies he kills. Just as he’s assessing new recruits to join the vampire king’s army, all hell breaks loose. The estate’s security system fails, wizards are heading their way, and human-hating Lee is stuck protecting Alexia, the queen’s human best friend. But as dangerous obstacles force Alexia and Lee closer, an undeniable attraction is revealed, and the two must find a way to compromise.
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Many thanks to Enchantress Blog Tours and to all the bloggers are helping me reveal the cover today. Big, big, squishy hugs you guys. SO excited about this book. You have no idea. Well, maybe you do. And if you do, then you are totally my tribe, and I heart you!
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