Category: New release

Out Now: Don’t Let Go

Out Now: Don’t Let Go



This is a tough thing for me to say, but I do believe this is my favorite book of the Evergreen Grove series. This was the story I didn’t think I’d pull off, but nevertheless believed I HAD to pull off, because Alonzo and Lt. Haas simply could not be left without their HEA. Don’t Let Go is contemporary m/m romance, with two pushy heroes who love to hate each other, and a May-December age gap to nearly make things impossible. So please read and enjoy, because you need this book in your life. Trust me. And Alonzo and Sebastian need YOU. 

GET IT AT: AMZ * B&N * Kobo * iBooks

About Don’t Let Go:

Left behind by everyone he’s ever loved, Alonzo Grover lives as if he’s got no future. The discovery of a letter from his deceased boyfriend breaks him out of his rut and spurs him to right an old wrong, but the local stick-in-the-mud sheriff’s lieutenant seems determined to ruin his plans.

Lieutenant Sebastian Haas despises tangling with his small town’s most promiscuous party kid. Alonzo’s youth and recklessness drive him crazy in more ways than one… So does the uncomfortable secret they share. But when Haas’s estranged family arrives in town to throw a wedding he wants no part of, he jumps into Alonzo’s car to avoid the family drama.

Together, they wind up on an unexpected road trip. With one setback after another, it looks like they might kill each other before they make it home to Evergreen Grove. That is, unless they find something better to do than fight.

GET IT AT: AMZ * B&N * Kobo * iBooks

Haas looks like that stick is wedged even farther up his ass than usual. “So why don’t you tell me what the hell is going on?”

“Maybe I just missed you and I wanted to get your attention.” I grin, spreading out on the bench in the holding cell and giving him a look that’s sure to set his hair on fire.

Truth is, I find this guy as interesting as I do enraging. I’ve always found men in uniform strangely hot. And that giant stick up his ass? I’m betting cash money it’s actually the pole for his extra-large freak flag. Believe me, there is definitely a flag.

I’ve seen the proof, and Lieutenant Haas’s presence in this town has been like sand in my jock ever since.

“Haas, you know I wouldn’t pay for sex. It’s not as if I need to. And by the way, you want to tell me how come I’m in here, and good old Celery was allowed to have an orange soda out in the squad room while he waited for his mom?”

I lean back with my knees spread wide on the bench, keeping my stare stuck on his. Reminding him of what we both know. He’s seen me plenty of times with plenty of people, and this right here is bullshit.

He narrows his eyes. Clearly, Haas doesn’t like being reminded that he’s had ringside seats to my shenanigans. Which is why I keep reminding him.

“You’re in here because your behavior in the squad room was completely inappropriate.”

“Please. I was on my best behavior.”

He leans in, wrapping one large hand around the bar of my holding cell. There’s a chunky ring on his left index finger, like a class ring, I’d guess. Not that I ever bothered getting one of those. That sort of man-jewelry always struck me as another penis extension.

Sebastian Hass is a big guy, though. Taller than my own six feet (okay. Five-eleven and one half. Close enough, thankyouverymuch), and broader in the chest and shoulders. The man’s boots are massive. I suspect Haas doesn’t have anything to make up for.

Hey. The guy may be a dick, but he’s got all the right things in all the right places. I’m not fucking blind.

Get it now: AMZ * B&N * Kobo * iBooks
Losing the Fight is Out Now!

Losing the Fight is Out Now!


Pro tip! Never release a book while moving. Folks, I know organization isn’t my strong suit but this latest release has been the hardest while I pack the home I’ve lived in for ten  years, which SUCKS because I honestly love this story and I think it’s amazing. I hope you agree.

About Losing the Fight:

He’s already blown his shot…

Tyler Thacker threw away his MMA title. When his brother died and he lost the girl he loved, getting his career back seemed impossible. Now that girl is in the picture again and so is his chance to set things right.

Kate Flynn hasn’t been the same since the accident that killed Tyler’s twin and left her injured. When their best friend drags her to Evergreen Grove, she comes face to face with her first love. Being around Ty pushes her to get her life in order, but it also brings up pain she’d rather have kept buried.

Tyler needs to reclaim his future. Kate needs to let go of the past. Maybe, together, they can fight through the agony of what they’ve lost. Maybe, together, they’ll win something truly amazing.

Get it: Amazon – iBooks – B&N – Play
Out Now: In the Arms of the Enemy

Out Now: In the Arms of the Enemy

My kids are big Monty Python fans. So as they would say, and now for something completely different. But actually not all that different. Sort of. Whatever. Let’s start over…

So I did this thing where I wrote a book like two years ago and couldn’t quite call it done. Paranormal, because that’s what I love and where I started when I first got into writing (unless you count the weird poetry I scribbled in my high school notebooks). But it was also dystopian, and had a strange relationship dynamic between the hero and heroine that I could never get quite right (she’s a prisoner and he’s her jailer, which makes for an awkward power dynamic). After a long time gathering dust on my laptop I started getting to know these characters again, and what started as a short story or maybe a novella wound up being 165 pages long. But it became a story and a world I loved, so finally here it is. In the Arms of the Enemy. I hope you enjoy:

About in the Arms of the Enemy:

Journal entry: 10.18.2668
I’m supposed to be leaving on the midnight transport. By the time it comes and they realize what I’ve done, God willing, I’ll be gone. I keep asking myself why I’m doing this, but deep down I know… I know I’m doing it for her.
It’s wrong to want a creature like Tatima, especially one under my guard. I can’t stop seeing her dark blue eyes or feeling the softness of her skin against mine. The moisture of her lips and tongue when I assuaged her hunger.
I’m a man. I’m human. This outpost is lonely. She’s as beautiful to me as she is frightening.
We trusted each other once. Maybe we could again.
Wanting her could mean so much disaster, but I can’t stop.

The United States has split. Supernatural creatures—lab experiments gone wrong—are being rounded up so their existence can be contained. One young man, bent on revenge, takes a job as a prison guard in order to kill the blood-sucker who murdered his father. A creature who used to be human. Someone he once thought he loved.
When Ronan gets close, he discovers the feelings he had for Tatima aren’t as dead as he’d believed. A web of lies surrounding his father’s death and the outpost where he works gets stickier the more he investigates.
The further Ronan goes, the less anything makes sense. Except the woman who can still bring him to life with a single touch. The one who makes him question everything.
The woman who’s supposed to be his enemy.

Get it here:  [button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] Amazon Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] iBooks Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] Kobo Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] B&N Order[/button] [button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] ARe [/button][button type=”tiny” url=”” target=”_blank”] Google Play[/button]