Watch this space! Risqué story series coming soon!!
Coming soon! The “Risqué Story Series”. Yeah, I’ve decided to jump on the whole story-in-a-blog bandwagon, I got the idea months ago for a story I haven’t had time to write, but the characters have been swirling around in my head, and whining for attention so we’re gonna try this and see how it works out.
This looks like it will be a novella length paranormal romance, I’m still playing with the title but I think I’ve got one that I like and will have the first installment up shortly!
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I should take a moment to remind that I have lifted the PG-13 rule from my blog (hence the new title!!) so these story series posts are almost guaranteed to contain “mature language” (translation: I tend to drop the f-bomb a lot) and “situations” (sex, drugs, rock and roll, etc) and maybe even some really dark subject matter, so read at your own risk.